torsdag 19 mars 2015

Patience and acceptance

We gain and we lose everyday in life. When we lose something precious we also lose our patience. The patience to understand and accept the why behind our loss.
 It is easy to lose oneself in sadness and in hopelessness. We must rise and be strong, be patient and wait for the next good thing that will happen. It is easy to fall into a pattern of misery when we've lost something really important to us. But it is very important to rise, to get up in the morning and appreciate all the good things we have in life. It is easier said than done but believe me it works. 

No matter what you are going through, keep pushing, keep moving because at the end of the day it is all up to us. Our families, friends, colleagues, therapists etc can only push us to a certain limit but the real push comes from within us. Keep getting up and keep moving, and you will see that Allah will give you strength that you've never imagined having. Things you never have imagined will happen.
It's all in the attitude, no matter what you are going through in life, trust Allah and you will never be let down. Trust yourself and you won't let yourself down. I promise. It's all in the attitude. 

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